Bawu Instrument

 Bawu (chinese woodwind instrument)

The Bawu is a wind instrument in China. Although it's shaped like a flute, it's really a free reed instrument with a single metal reed. It's played in a transverse way. It has a pure, clarinet-like timbre, and its playing technique incorporates the use of a lot of ornamentation, especially bending tones. 

Cover of Bawu 

The player must cover the reed tightly with the mouth and exert considerable air pressure to sustain the vibration of the reed. Bawu is only capable of a single octave and, unlike free reed mouth organs, only exhalation is done.

How to play a Bawu

Words: (Wikapedia, LE  2019 October 12)  What is Bawu? Retrived from
(Interactchina,nd) How to play Bawu?,is%20only%20played%20by%20exhaling.

Video: (phloxfreybug,  2018 May 9) retrieved from
(chiinanature, 2014 April 7) Retrieved from

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