KNORR 'The Boyfriend' 30s


This advertisement used two different propaganda techniques such as card-stacking propaganda, and plain folks propaganda. Card-stacking propaganda is a technique where they do essentially influence you to buy the product or service based on the information they have presented you with. Like this advertisement shows that the product is made of real chicken and that it makes your dish more delicious. Plain folks propaganda is a technique where When applied to advertising, this basically means that they want to see how a particular product or service brought value to a regular human being like themselves. You can relate more to the experiences of people like yourself. Because after all, you are likely to have a similar experience with a brand as people who you have something in common with, as opposed to someone with a completely different life, such as a celebrity. Like in this advertisement it shows how most courting works, you meet the parents of the person you are courting and give them a good impression. 

         This advertisement is short but really good. They fit every good detail into a short video, which makes it more appealing to watch because no wants a 2 min advertisement. This advertisement isn't dragging ang you can actually see every detail they gave about the product.

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