Intramurals 2019


           This month of November made an epic memory for the student's in Asian College Of Technology. This year's intramurals had 4 groups. The Golden Lions, Black Panthers, Blue Phoenix, and Red Falcon. Each group made an effort in each activity that they joined. The facilitators did their best to come up with ideas for the dance palabas. This intramurals made the student's show their abilities in playing volleyball, basketball, table tennis, badminton and many more. Some showed their skills in singing and dancing. Their confidence boost up, they believed in themselves that they can do it.

         The opening of the intamurals was epic. The student's that joined the district meet lit the torch. Everybody was amazed of the fire and the beauty of the muse and escort of each team. The supportive parents who gave time to cheer for their children. The best part of this intramurals was the foam party. Everybody enjoined it, the kids. the teens and even parents and teachers'.  There was bubbles all over the campus, like everyone in the school felt like they were kids again.

           Even though some lost the games and even the overalls, everyone still accepted their defeats and still become friends with the others. After every game and obstacles the have been through the team that got the victory was the Golden Lions with their passionate hearts that made each and everyone of them bond together forever. According to Richard Bach, "The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life"

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